360 Approach
Do you want to improve the online visibility of your brand and to your website?
Share of Voice
The measure of the market that is owned by your brand, compared to that owned by competition.
A benchmark for how much you dominate the conversation in your industry, and your brand visibility.

Keyword Analysis
Ability to see how competitors are using keywords, and how effective they are within the marketing.
Analysis of competitor ASINs to see what keywords other brands are using in their AMS marketing.

Brand Health Monitoring
Establishes the overall quality and health of both client and competitor content. Provides insights on Buy Box performance, the success of promotions, retail prices, and competitors’ use of discounts.

Competitor Analysis
Evaluations of competitors that can be used for content optimisation, price and promotion reviews, and AMS execution.
Use of analytics to track competition and enhance our content for best market position.

Profitability and Forecasting
Provided with a calculator showing how much money can be made after expenditures, and if an area is profitable to expand into.
Advise on how to get stock in, and calculate how to make the most revenue out of product numbers.

Live Monitoring
Live system with refreshing data which looks at revenue, units, orders within territory, profitability, stock health and positioning, AMS, and keywords.
Effortless process of monitoring data and reports.

Category Monitoring
Establishment of your monthly market share within the category.
A monthly update of the market share analysis.
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Opportunity Sizing
This is where we look at the size of the category and the size of the prize per market. We are able to identify how big the opportunity is, ensure the average selling price (ASP) is correct, and determine how competitive the market is based on ASINs and brands.
Using 2-3 competitors, we are able to search for the subcategory and build a query around it. From this we collect a vast amount of information including the growth in the market in the last twelve months, the median price, category performance, where brands sit in the price bucket, and much more.
By establishing the market size, and how many brands and ASINs are in a category, we can understand how each brand is performing and what strategic direction they are taking their 1P/3P. With this, we are able to look at individual ASIN performance and overall are provided with a detailed overview of different categories, and how a new brand could fit in.

Keyword Analysis
Using our advanced content process, we are able to see how competitors use keywords, and how effective they are within the marketing. By understanding which keywords drive categories, we are able to ensure Amazon Advertising, campaigns, and listings are accurately optimised for the best performance.
By looking into competitor ASINs we can see what keywords other brands are using in their Amazon Advertising to bring potential customers to their products. Paired with our industry leading software tool which provides us with details about search volume and bidding difficulty, this keyword research provides us with the best collection of winning terms to include in all of our areas of optimisation.

Brand Health Monitoring
Looking into the overall quality and health of both client and competitor content to provide a quality score and make areas of improvement clear. Information is given to account managers and the feedback is used to improve listings and ensure they are always at their highest potential.
Our analytic platform provides insights on Buy Box performance, promotions success, retail prices, competitor discounts, allowing us to use automated observation to improve brand health , increase sales, and optimise margins.

Competitor Analysis
When carrying out evaluations of competitors, the findings can be used for content optimisation, price and promotion reviews, and Amazing Advertising execution. Using our analytics software, we upload a competitor and allow their content to be inspected and evaluated for its overall performance and effectiveness.
If they have ASINs which have suddenly jumped up or are improving in the marketspace, we take the report to identify why this has happened, and enhance our content to compete. With ongoing analysis, we can track the competition and stay on top of the market.

Profitability / Forecasting
During the onboarding process, we provide clients with a profitability analysis based on revenue, units, rough freight calculations, and the recommended Amazon Advertising cost. This calculator will show you how much money they could make after their expenditures, and if it is a profitable area for them to expand into.
Forecasting is a key part in understanding what stock is needed to achieve the goals of the business. We can advise you on how to get stock in, and calculate how to make the most revenue out of product numbers, based on the numbers we are forecasting. As we inspect the 60 day trends taking place, we are able to set reasonable expectations using 2x and 4x forecast calculations that will help you establish the stock levels needed to meet your aspirations.

Live Monitoring
Our high standard approach makes live monitoring an effortless process with data and reports right at your fingertips. The live system with refreshing data looks at revenue, units, orders within territory, profitability, stock health and positioning, Amazon Advertising, and keywords to name only a few. With this invaluable tool at our disposal, we have constantly updated access to account health, and are alerted any time an improvement can be made to the likes of titles and images. As you are also given access as a client, you can monitor your account in your own time without needing to meet with your account manager.
Category Monitoring
Using our advanced category platform, we are able to measure your success on a global scale on Amazon, and establish your monthly market share within the category. You will receive a market share analysis update each month as well as getting weekly reports from your account manager. Specific subcategory searches can be studied on an ad hoc basis to allow you to see new product developments or launches when it comes to making growths within your business.

Share of Voice
The share of voice is the measure of the market that your brand owns, compared to that owned by your competition. It acts as a benchmark for how much you dominate the conversation in your industry, and the visibility of your brand. In order to finalise those sales, you want to have a high share of the voice so potential customers see your brand as they carry out searches.